How to complete the sign up process

Once you receive a confirmation email from Superior Propane after  your company has been signed up for Superior Pro click the link to “Finish the Sign up Process”.



This launches the first of the three steps in order for your company to be registered.

Step 1:

Please verify that the pre-filled personal information is correct. On this step you can also set the default radius for the view of the surrounding tanks on your account. Create a password for your account then click “Continue”.




Step 2:

In this step, please review your company’s associated accounts. The “Request to Add Account” button is not functional at the moment. Click Continue to move to the final step.



Step 3:

In the final step, you may add another user to your company. Alternatively, you can manage this later in the “Admin” section of the portal under “User Management”. To complete the entire company activation process, click Finish.


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