Dispute Delivery Tickets

Dispute a Delivery Ticket


Navigate to Finance > View Delivery Tickets. The “Pending” approval tickets tab is active by default.



View the ticket you want to dispute by clicking the View button (opens a new tab to see the ticket pdf).

Select the tickets you want to dispute and then click any of the “Dispute” button.



Details about the delivery ticket are displayed. You now have the option to download the ticket you want to dispute. Provide a reason in the Comments area for why you are disputing the ticket, so that the Superior Propane administrators have a starting point to tackle the issue.



A message will appear after the process is finished showing that the ticket was successfully disputed.



The disputed ticket will move from the "Pending" tickets list to the "Disputed" tickets tab.



The ticket remains unstamped.




At the same time, an email notification will be sent confirming that the ticket was disputed.



At this point, a Superior Propane representative will to get in contact regarding the disputed ticket. Once the disputed issue is resolved, the ticket will be placed back into "Pending" list .

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