Make a Payment

The “Make Payment” button enables you to make a payment to the selected invoice(s). You may select multiple invoices as long as they belong to the same customer number. Only invoices with a positive amount can be paid.

The ‘Make Payment’ page displays the customer number (on which the payment is done) and a list with the invoices selected (with the possibility to remove them from the list). For each selected invoice you may either manually enter an amount to pay, or you can pay them in full.

Click the “Change Payment Method” to select a credit card. The same button enables you to add a new credit card that will become available when making payments:


Clicking “Cancel” redirects you to the Invoices listing without performing the payment. A success message is displayed once the payment is submitted and you will receive a confirmation email that Superior Propane received the payment submission:

You may print the payment confirmation and authorization number, or return to the dashboard.


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