Details Pane

The ‘Details’ pane presents information about the selected location (cylinders, regular and SMART tanks).


For a regular tank, the following is available:


  • Edit the tank’s name (just for your view – this has no effect on other users’ view)

  • Estimated current level is displayed (with a link to submit a request to “Get a smart tank”)

  • Request a delivery (if the current delivery plan is Will Call and there isn’t already a delivery in progress)

  • “Report an issue” (which is a general request type you can make related to the current location)

  • View all deliveries

  • “Update the reading” of the tank

  • Change the delivery program

  • Submit requests to update the tank’s size and to change the serial number if it is not correct.


Other information is presented if it is available: Location Number, customer number, PO number and its expiration date, the date of the last fill, current tank level reading, the current delivery plan, the tank size, the serial number, the last service date and the installation date.



In case of a cylinder or a SMART tank location, the option to request a Smart Tank is not present in this pane.


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